Sunday, February 11, 2007

February 11, 2007

Just a quick post today, for a few reasons--First and foremost the ship is rocking like never before, we have to set our clocks forward again tonight, and I'm tired so I’m a grumpy. Secondly I used up all my internet time the night we left Puerto Rico. I bought more but at a hefty price, it cost-- $100.00 for four hours… (for those of you who are reading this and have access to my online bank account, feel free…). Also for this reason I will not be uploading anymore pictures, sorry but it’s just too slow and too expensive.

Today is our second night at sea, and we are heading towards Salvador, in Bahia, Brazil. Currently we are sailing through the Lesser Antilles. This morning while I was eating breakfast St. Lucia was on the horizon, and later we passed Martinique and Barbados. I saw Ron Popeil waving from the shoreline of Martinique. Go figure.

What is this I hear Anna Nicole died? People, I have no connection to the outside world here. FYI, I would give my right arm for a double che right now. Email is welcome.


1 comment:

Fellow travelers’Advisory said...

Dear Lydia -- I'm a law school classmate of your dad's and he sent me the link to your blog. What a fabulous adventure and opportunity you have there! I wish I could do the same. Your reading list is very impressive and your observations are warm and witty ... I'll be checking back.
All the best
Anne Feeney