Sunday, December 17, 2006

My Bon Voyage Surprise Party

Tomorrow is my last final of the semester, and then I'll be packing up and heading out! These few days have been bittersweet--exciting because I am going to have an amazing time, but sad because I finally feel like I am making lasting friendships. I don't want to miss out on all the goodtimes I know will be rolling while I'm at sea!

Friday night Katie was supposed to pick me up from work. Instead, the boys showed up and said they were taking me out to the Mongolian Buffet !? I should have been suspicious then, but hey, I'm gullible! I said I thought that sounded horrible--we went to Applebee's instead. It was a good time, and I knew they had taken me out because this was our last weekend together. On the way home they were singing the Backstreet Boys (of course) and I teared up. It meant so much to me they had thought enough to plan something like that. I had been hoping we would have a goodbye party, but going out for dinner was good, it made me feel special and I knew I was going to miss them.
When we got home I walked into my apartment to change out of my work clothes, assuming we had a night of guitar hero ahead of us, and nothing more. The apartment was dark, and I didn't know where Katie and Kay were, or why I hadn't heard anything about what was going on for the evening. Still clueless, I was saying something like "where are my roomates, why is it so dark in here?" when the lights were flicked on and everyone jumped out at me, laughing and hooting "bon voyage." They were all dressed like pirates and drinking bumboo juice!

The whole night was wonderful, I've never had a group of friends, muchless a group of friends that cared like these guys do. I had been convinced everyone forgot/was too lazy to/didn't care enough to throw me a party, but I understimated the whole crew, seeing as how my bon voyage party had been in the works for two weeks. I even had a secret facebook group!

Lots of tears that night, but they were happy tears. I'll miss everyone, thankyou so much, it means more than you know.


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